Friday, May 18, 2012

Stretched to the Max

So my initial savings plan is not going as planned.  I wouldn't necessarily say it's bad -- our bills are paid, there's food in our mouths and we are happy.  BUT we still aren't getting anywhere.

So the question turned from how much can we save to WHY can't we save ANYTHING?  In our defense there are things that have come up that have wiped out our savings.  First, we are moving.... thank God!  We are going from paying $1600/month in rent to paying around $1000 for a townhouse in the neighborhood we want to stay in.  Much, much better.  But in order to get that townhouse, we had to spend our savings on a security deposit and first month's rent.  That's pretty hard to come up with when we're already paying a ridiculous rent in our current place.

Adding to that is the stress of knowing we are paying two rents in June!  UGH!  Not ideal but definitely necessary! 

I wish I could say that as soon as July rolls around we will be financially set but that is not the case either.  Our car needs some work (like $1000 worth of work with new tires and a new tailpipe thing...) in order to pass inspection.  Oh Pennsylvania how I love the mandatory annual inspection that never seems to have everything be ok.  Add on top of that bridal showers, baby showers, weddings and 12 weeks unpaid maternity leave and we are pretty much tapped out through the end of the year.

Time to start getting thrifty!  Without realizing it, my credit card gives me cash back each month in either credits to apply to my balance or I can cash out in gift cards.  Ummm the credit card just got a lot more use!  Not only is it earning me points, but it is helping us budget also as a better way to keep track of our monthly spending. 

So with all that is going on and all of our monthly bills, when I tell my husband I want to go to Disney World for a week in January for our anniversary and attend a Disney event that a blogger I follow is hosting, he looks at me like I have five heads.  I promise him that with my thriftiness I can get the trip paid for....   

Here we go....

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