Friday, May 25, 2012

Is money really everything?

I know, kind of a weird blog title for a blog that's supposed to be about saving.  But seriously, is money everything?

I know friends who have an overabundance of money, can travel whenever they want and never even look at their credit card statement before they pay it off (wouldn't that be nice... I scour ours making sure there are absolutely no mistakes!)  However, all the money in the world has not stopped them from losing parents, losing marriages and anything else that happens to the rest of us.

So I guess my question for the day is... how much does money really matter?

I have been toying with this question all morning as I am stuck on the couch due to some recent pregnancy complications.  This is the third time that these complications have reared its ugly head in the 21 weeks I've been pregnant.  There's no "medical" reason for them that they can discover, despite many tests and ultrasounds.  The word they throw out there... stress.  Most likely due to my work environment.

Well isn't that just great.  Like the last thing I need is to not be able to bring home an income before this baby is born and in the middle of us moving.  See, I recently left my position as business office manager is a very successful nursing home to take over the medical records director position.  This was supposed to be a great move for me, less stressful and more laid back.  WRONG.  Wrong on so many levels!  I walked into a complete disaster with tons of stuff to do and the person training me is not giving me very much time to learn a thing!  Most important, I am on my feet all day and have to lift and go through boxes.  Not the best job for a preggo.  Apparently my body tells me this job may not be the right fit!

So that brings me to the blog title... is money everything?  I have decided that, although my salary is decent and pays the bills, my health, my sanity and the health of my baby girl are SO MUCH more important than a paycheck!  Thankfully, I am married to an amazing man, who, all the way across the country on business, agrees with me completely and supports my (sometimes crazy) ideas and decisions.

Looks like this weekend is going to be a long weekend of thinking about what I need to do, being even more creative with money than I have been in the past (no fears... I am still going to get us to Disney this winter for free in addition to everything...) and figuring out a way to still earn at least a part-time income.

My goal is to have a plan by the time hubby comes home....

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