Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fight for EVERY penny!

In my quest to becoming an extreme couponer, I have really starting to look at the price of many different products.  As a once brand-name-only girl, I have found great value in buying the store brands of some things (not everything!) and I have also found that many of the generic brand foods taste exactly like the expensive name brand ones.

This brings me to my latest shopping trip:  A big trip to Walmart!  Now I don't know about you, but I hate Walmart... I hate it with a passion.  It is always over crowded and there are never enough registers open so you wait in line for 35 minutes before you can even check out.  I. hate.it.

But in the interest of saving the most money, I also am fully aware that they usually have the best prices, mainly on non-food items like deodorant and razors, which was the primary focus of my shopping trip!  I cut coupons for hours and went in with my guns blazing to get great savings!  I gave up many of the brands that I like to buy to buy things that I could get a better value on.

  This was my cart after the toiletries section.  Before coupons the total was about $50... I got all of this for $15!  I was pretty excited about my savings.

Unfortunately in the food department there wasn't too many things I had coupons for and only really saved a total of $5, but I bought a lot of food that was the Walmart brand and food that was on sale anyway.  All produce and meats I had already purchased at Giant Eagle because I don't like Walmart's variety!

So, we get to the register and there is only ONE person in front of us.  Thank goodness!  When I am using a ton of coupons, I try to pick out the most competent looking cashier so that our transaction runs smoothly.  So I picked Jean, who proudly wore a badge that said "10 years of service" and wore her plastic gloves on her hands with pride.  I figured this would be a piece of cake.

Well, Jean, I'm guessing your 10 years of service have not been behind the register because let me tell you... you are by far the worst cashier ever!

First off, I have been working in customer service my whole life.  I know it sucks and I know people can be rude, but I try really hard to have everything on the belt ready to go, line up the divider for the people behind us and have my coupons organized by the time you start ringing.  So when the items weren't in the right order on the belt like Jean wanted, she very meanly would yell to hand her things.  Ummm... pretty sure that's your job to get them in the bags Jean, but whatever.

So then we get to the coupons.  The first coupon was for $2 off Right Guard when you buy two (which we did).  She couldn't get the coupon to scan so she hands it back to me and says we didn't buy two.  I correct her and tell her to look at the receipt she clearly scanned two.  This goes on for every.single.coupon.  about 3/4 of the way through I had to pee... hey, small bladder here at 9 months pregnant! So I left it up to my husband to finish.

When I come out of the bathroom he is handing me the receipt making sure she got everything.  She didn't.  She missed a $6 off coupon!  Now I am not leaving the store with a $6 off coupon missing... if it were $0.50 maybe but definitely not $6!  So we get a manager and he goes back, finds the coupon and tells Jean to fix it.

Now Jean should be VERY happy that my ever-so-patient husband told me to wait at the benches as I was getting very cranky and he would get our refund.  As she handed him the money she exclaims "I'm not sure why you are doing this, you clearly saw me scan the coupon and are just trying for extra money!"  Kevin just politely showed her the receipt and said the coupon was not on there.

I didn't hear about any of this until we got in the car or I would have demanded an apology and a manager immediately.  I am the customer and regardless of what was going on, we did not deserve to be talked to like that in front of other people.  Not to mention it was Jean who made the mistake in the first place!

I will make sure I never choose Jean as my cashier if I ever see her in Walmart again, but I am NOT sorry that I fought for my $6 off that was rightfully mine!  When you are pinching your pennies, every single one counts!!